Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Current Picnic Status and fun statistics this morning... 5/24/2011

These families have CONFIRMED with me that their reservations are made... many more families have expressed interest; however, I am waiting for their confirmations.

Total families CONFIRMED=15 (2 families confirmed but not sure camping or lodge)

Camping Families-6

Cabin Families-1

Lodge Families-5

Families at nearby hotels-1

(FYI "other hotels" may be a good option if there is a possiblity you have Bulgaria first or second/pick up trips looming in the near future or your little one has only just come home and may not be up to the outing.  The lodge has a more restrictive cancellation policy.)


Total Bulgarian adoptees= 19

Total Single Adoptive Parents= 5

Total Large Families 4+ (bio and adopted) kids= 3

Total Families researching or waiting to adopt child(ren) from Bulgaria= 2

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