Monday, April 4, 2011


I wanted to let everyone know that MY reservations are made... now get up, grab your credit card and reserve your campsite... I don't want to be the only one camping out! I have received a few confirmations for the lodge or cabins, but I would love it if some of the camping families could book and ensure we lock down the area for our reunion.  I would love to be able to limit the vehicle traffic so our little ones could ride bikes to the cross road and then through the loop and we could essentially block cars coming in to check it out... I hope.  :)

I have reserved C25 and C26; however, since I have not camped in this park before I am reserving by proximity to the play area and restrooms for our group site.  This is why I chose C25 as our group site.  I chose C26 for my camping site so that I can set up the coffee for everyone who crawls out of their tents and needs a good cup of java in the morning!  Yes, coffee pots are on my DO NOT LEAVE HOME WITHOUT list... maybe I can even see about some Bulgarian coffee/Turkish coffee before then... yum, that is definitely something I miss from my trips to Bulgaria!

I would love if each family that reserves a campsite would respond with what site they will be on.  This way if you have made a special friend along the way maybe you will want to camp near them.  Looking forward to seeing this section of the camp ground fill up.  Remember you Southern campers... when the Mid-West warms up everyone immediately begins to think of camping trips... this weekend is supposed to hit 60 up here... lets grab our sites before they begin to fill up!!!


Thanks everyone,


1 comment:

  1. I am NOT a camper;)! And we're having trouble finding something that will fit our family at the lodge(without breaking the bank!)...still looking...
