Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Name This Reunion Part II

Here are several ideas for the name of our summer gathering. Please let us know which ones you like best or suggest other options, so we can begin working on a logo and t-shirt for our event soon.

Celebrating Bulgaria
Celebrating България
Celebrating Bulgaria ([Adoptive]Families) Retreat/Reunion
Celebrating България ([Adoptive]Families) Retreat/Reunion

Remember Bulgaria
Remember България
Remember Bulgaria ([Adoptive]Families) Retreat/Reunion
Remember България ([Adoptive]Families) Retreat/Reunion

Celebrating Bulgarian Heritage
Celebrating Bulgarian Heritage ([Adoptive]Families) Retreat/Reunion

Families with Bulgarian Adoptees Reunion/Retreat

From the Heart of Bulgaria
(Adoptive Family Reunion)
From the Heart of Bulgaria

Adoptive Family Celebration


  1. I like Celebrating Bulgaria Adoptive families Reunion
    and Ilke it written in Bulgarian too:)
    I think we are celebrating our children's vote for what it is worth. Thanks guys

  2. Yea, finally a comment. Thanks, Celeste.

  3. I second Celebrating Bulgaria adoptive families reunion also it is just a mouthful to say!

  4. A few days late....trying to catch up on vote would be for "retreat" rather than "reunion," but I do like the Celebrating Bulgaria Adoptive Families part.

    Working on our plans now and hoping we are going to be able to attend!

  5. I like From the Heart of Bulgaria(Adoptive Families Reunion)....just made that up:)...

  6. From the Heart of Bulgaria
    Adoptive Family Celebration
